viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

Feliz Año Nuevo

La Familia de Ogilvy les desea a todas las familias de Guatemala un feliz año 2011 y que sea prospero en los planes que tenga para el siguiente año.

martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010

El mundo se para en minutos.

Este vídeo lo publicaron en Boing Boing. Graeme Taylor grabó desde una ventana de un tren a 210 fotogramas por segundo y el resultado es esta pequeña cápsula de tiempo en el que todo parece haberse detenido...

viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010


En nombre de la familia de Ogilvy Guatemala les deseamos a todos una Feliz Navidad y prospero año 2011.

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Beyonce Censurada

Sabías que a Beyonce lanzo una fragancia llamada "Heat", pero cuando se hizo su promoción en Londres la mostraba con un vestido rojo y haciendo movimientos sensuales, a tal extremos que lo consideraron inapropiado para transmitirlo por la mañana en horario familiar y solo fue promocionado de noche. 

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

La Publicidad También Se Puede Manipular

A continuación les queremos mostrar unos cuantos anuncios publicitarios de otros países donde claramente se puede observar la forma en que gráficamente fueron alterados, pero es definitivo que llaman la atención y son interesantes a la vista y el mensaje se transmite a la perfección.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

"You have less than a second to see the biker"

(Tienes menos de un segundo para ver al motorista) Esta es la frase que utilizo Ogilvy & Mather Milan, de Italia para hacer este arte, que es muy creativo y te pasas un momento agradable buscando al motorista ¿Qué opinas, te gusta?

Recuerda visitarnos

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Publicidad creativa

Esta es una campaña que realizo Ogilvy Atenas la cual transmite muy bien su mensaje. ¡Recuerda comentar que opinas!

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Ogilvy News

La Agencia Más Efectiva de Guatemala Saborea el triunfo. Ogilvy se posicionó en 2010 como la agencia de publicidad más importante de la región luego de hacerse de 20 leones del Festival de Cannes y 28 estatuillas Jade en el Festival de Internacional de Antigua. Estos logros los comparte Juan Mauricio Wurmser presidente y gerente general de Ogilvy Guatemala.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Steve Harding Named Global CEO of Ogilvy Action

Miles Young, Worldwide CEO of Ogilvy & Mather, said, “Steve has been the convenor of our management team, and it is natural that he should step up. He is truly an activation professional. He has selling in his bones, and a real vision for how the business creates strategic advantage by affecting behaviours. Our ambition for the business, which is showing high growth, is very substantial. Steve and his superb team are tasked with positioning to lead this discipline as a global ‘must-have’ for clients old and new.”

steve hardingHarding joined Ogilvy & Mather in May 2005 when he merged his activation company Tarantula with Ogilvy & Mather’s 141 Worldwide, becoming the CEO of the merged operations. In 2007, when 141 Worldwide was relaunched as OgilvyAction, Harding was named CEO, OgilvyAction EAME. At the end of 2009 when the OgilvyAction Global Leadership Team was established, he became an inaugural member.

In commenting on his new role, Harding said, “I’m very excited about taking on the OgilvyAction Global role. The activation marketplace is clearly one of the most dynamic marketing disciplines today. I know with the help of our leadership team we will achieve our mission of becoming the world’s best brand activation network.”

OgilvyAction’s management team that Harding will lead also includes Sheila Hartnett, CEO, North America; John Goodman, President, Asia Pacific; Regis Duarte, General Manager, Latina; and David Fox, Worldwide Managing Director, BAT.

Harding started his career at Smith and Nephew, followed by Carlsberg Tetley both in sales and marketing roles. He then moved to the agency side in the early 1990's joining a sales promotion start-up called USP, which he was a shareholder of before it was sold to a UK PLC. Harding then became MD of the newly formed CSP, which he left in 1998 to start up Tarantula Activation Communications, where he oversaw the development of the company in the UK as well as its international presence in Russia, China, Uzbekistan and Japan. In 2005, he joined Ogilvy.

About OgilvyAction:
OgilvyAction is the global brand activation network of The Ogilvy Group. With its 69 offices employing 1,700 people, OgilvyAction delivers a focused range of disciplines including experiential, shopper, trade, and promotional marketing. Supporting each of these is a capability in field marketing, digital activation, retail design and analytics that builds brands by creating purchase behavior. The agency’s client portfolio features Fortune 500 Blue Chip brands and some of the most innovative local marketers around the world. Ogilvy is part of WPP, one of the world's largest communications services organizations (NASDAQ: WPPGY, For more information, visit our website at

Marketing Push

The new station, chaired by Russell Tate, is aiming to offer Melbourne listeners – and advertisers – a new alternative in the talk-radio market. A joint venture between Macquarie Radio Network and Pacific Star Network, it is expected to launch late April, with the integrated campaign to launch soon after.

Ogilvy Group Melbourne has been appointed to oversee all elements of the station’s brand and marketing, from research (by SWAT), naming and branding (Yello), media planning (Neo@Ogilvy), through to creative advertising (BADJAR Ogilvy) and digital work (DTDigital).

Its integrated offering, teamed with a deep understanding of the Melbourne market, made it an “obvious choice for the job,” Tate said.

“When it comes to knowing the Melbourne market there’s not a better agency group,” he said.

Ogilvy Group Melbourne’s CEO, Andrew Baxter said the campaign comprised digital, print, television and outdoor advertising, and would target the station’s primary audience of over 40’s with a skew to 50+.

Ogilvy Group Melbourne is part of STW Group, Australia’s leading marketing content and communications services group.

Ogilvy goes mobile with Yonder

Ogilvy and Yonder Media announced yesterday, Wednesday, 7 April 2010, the establishment of the Ogilvy Mobile Partnership to bring the best practice in mobile creativity, strategy and technology to brand-building assignments.
The partnership will integrate with the agency accounts and strategy teams and aims to deliver holistic mobile solutions that will deliver brand messages into the hands of customers on an intimate and highly targeted basis.

“Mobile marketing in South Africa is gathering momentum and whilst the agency has been active in this sphere for some time, it is now opportune to ramp up this capability as a core competency in our rapidly evolving digital offering,” states Nunu Ntshingila, Ogilvy's CEO.

“Mobile represents one of the most exciting challenges in modern marketing, particularly in South Africa and other parts of the developing world. Consumers look set to leapfrog the conventional PC access to the internet and the mobile channel represents a unique opportunity.”

Doubling net access

There are 11 million mobile web users in South Africa, double the size of the user market in traditional fixed-line internet access. Mobile opens up a fast-growing channel for brands to connect to their consumers in a highly targeted way, through mobile websites, applications, campaigns, location services and mobile media buying, with focus on real-time analysis and ROI.

This, together with the unique portability and personal relevance of mobile, makes it a compelling marketing channel that has the ability to complement traditional marketing communications and provide connections and integration across both ATL and BTL campaigns.

As Rick Joubert from Yonder explains, “Too many traditional agencies often approach mobile the same way they approach traditional channels, so they are not always using it effectively and to the best of its capabilities. In addition, there are mobile-only agencies that often lack the understanding of the brand and its marketing objectives and how to link an interesting creative mobile program to the marketing objectives in a brand-relevant way. We see this as a gap and an opportunity.”

“This is where the new Ogilvy Mobile Partnership is aiming… to bring these worlds together, where you have the holistic understanding of the brand and the target audience, and you can start building mobile marketing programs as part of that consumer's experience,” he concludes.

martes, 6 de abril de 2010

From Big Promises to Baby Steps

In one of the all-time great children's books, Joe Lasker tells of a little boy who runs away from home because his family doesn't seem to need his help with anything. Once he gets out in that proverbial "real world," he finds lots of kindly folks who value his work...

Back at the apogee of the climate change conversation last year (aka COP15), the major climate movements faced criticism for not doing anything but proselytize. Governments faced criticism for not doing anything but pussyfoot. Activists faced criticism for not doing anything but banter. Scientists faced criticism for not doing anything but theorize. And meanwhile the "family" of global citizens was waiting, breathless, for (some of) these groups to lead - i.e. do something courageously on all of our behalves and start to right this ship.

Was anyone waiting for business?

We just sent out a survey to the Hopenhagen community and heard back from 6,600 of its citizens. When asked which entities give them the clearest vision of the road to a sustainable economy, two-thirds of respondents (we had 6,600 in total) ranked business leaders last, saying they offer no clear vision of the road to a sustainable economy, while two-thirds said that NGOs and climate campaigns gave them a very clear vision. When asked which entities offered the most compelling ideas about how to live sustainably, nearly 40% ranked business leaders last (45% ranked governments last), while the same number ranked NGOs and climate campaigns first.

These representatives of the global "family" are clearly not waiting for businesses to lead. And a number of businesses will likely take this as a cue to run away, say "nuts to them," and/or perhaps correctly presume that the fam isn’t expecting its Mac & Cheese or its bed linens or its internet-provider to inspire or contribute to a new sustainable way of life.

But that's the short-sighted approach to these low expectations. IBM has a better one: get out in the world and prove mettle. Demonstrate that you’ve got immediately-actionable solutions, and that you’re not waiting for a mandate; you’re taking the leadership mantle of your own accord. The family can’t help but be impressed when you come back from your do-something day with a picture from the White House and a blueprint for a Smarter City, which you already started building. (Check out the fruits of IBM’s do-something day here.)

Low expectations do not give businesses an excuse to justify them. On the contrary, they should give us the gusto we need to leap over them. While not all of us are going to have the panoply of tech tools required to actually rebuild the city when we decide to venture forth and prove greater worth, we can all do something. And when we do, oh, what a day that will be.

Smoke and Mirrors or Real Progress?

What substance is currently responsible for the death of one in ten adults worldwide?

And if that fact doesn’t blow your mind, this will: nearly one-third of the global population aged fifteen and older smokes, and each year nearly 600 million trees have to be destroyed to provide fuel to dry all the tobacco smokers consume. That’s one tree for every 300 cigarettes. (More on the environmental and social impact of smoking here.)
Given this scale, the sustainability efforts undertaken by the tobacco giants can have serious repercussions for the environment and society. The same goes for the energy and alcohol industries. However, such efforts are often met with scepticism. Take the case of Total, the French energy company: concerted efforts to improve its image in the wake of countless scandals have failed to change people’s perceptions. Why? The energy company is still in the petrol business – and, just like a tobacco company which will always be in the nicotine business – its well-PR’d “good works” can’t counterbalance the weight of business fundamentals.
Mainstream CSR practices – from corporate philanthropy and stakeholder collaboration to reporting and self-regulation – have shown to be either ineffective or counterproductive for controversial industries. From a philanthropic perspective, those organizations that accept so-called “dirty money” from these industries also accept high reputational risk. Stakeholder collaboration, too, is limited by perceived ethical complexities, and any CSR report will be subject to the criticisms of those who view the efforts as mere window dressing. Tobacco giant BAT published its first CSR report in 2002 and was heavily criticised for concealing central aspects of its business (i.e. the annual smoking-related deaths of millions of people). As long as transparency is perceived to be limited, the company’s claims will be considered by many to be illegitimate.
The social responsibility of a corporation is ultimately three-fold: to deliver the product quality expected by consumers, to demonstrate integrity through reverence for law and moral values, and to transcend self-interest on behalf of the common good. It is the transgression of the “common good” and “moral values” aspects of CSR that has exposed certain industries to much greater scrutiny. When it comes to talking about sustainability and social responsibility, the credibility of these industries (petrol, gas and cigarettes to mention but a few) will always be compromised. Inherent contradictions between business model and stated values provide purists ample fodder for criticism.
So does this mean that these industries should be left out in the cold?
On the contrary.
The introduction to British American Tobacco’s (BAT) 2008 Annual Sustainability Report argues it’s the controversial and oft-challenged industries that should be most devoted to sustainability efforts because “this is where the most significant issues exist and where the greatest progress can be made.” And the company is right.
Until deemed otherwise, cigarettes, oil and spirits are legal, and the businesses that deal in them have proven that they can positively impact the lives of an enormous amount of stakeholders (through job creation, charitable contributions, public works, environmental stewardship, etc.). No industry or company is perfect; perhaps these “most controversial” ones fall especially far from the mark, but to decry their improvements is highly counterproductive. After all, a tobacco farmer, and the company that pays him for his work, is providing us with a product that we – the consumers – buy in huge quantities. And if that farmer and that company can provide that product we demand in a way which reduces its negative impacts on environment and society, shouldn’t we encourage it? Shouldn’t we hope (as has speculated) that tobacco becomes “the next fair trade frontier”?
Until we have learned to stop demanding en masse the products that do us harm, we should at least encourage the industries that proffer them to take on every CSR challenge they can. If their efforts bring us closer to our common goal – a sustainable economy and society – then we should refrain from condemning those initiatives simply on the grounds of their origin.

La Agencia Mas Efectiva

Disfruta de una Aventura inolvidable.


Guatemala pone a su disposición 32 volcanes para todos niveles y todos gustos, tres de ellos son todavía activos. El Pacaya con una altitud de 2522m al alcance de todos, el Fuego a 3835m, ascenso difícil de 6/7h y el Santiaguito a 2510m, es el mas belicoso, a observar con mucha precaución y tomando su distancia.

El más alto, el Tajumulco 4220m, techo de América Central, a pesar de su altitud su ascenso es muy accesible. El Tacana, 4092. El Acatenango 3976m probablemente con la vista más bella de Guatemala, ascenso accesible a gente con entrenamiento normal. Es posible combinar el ascenso del Acatenango con el Fuego. El volcán Atitlan 3537m, no es el mas alto pero es el que presenta mas desnivel, 2000m. Muy bonita vista sobre el lago.


En Guatemala hay ríos de todos niveles: 2, 3, 4,5. Salidas de uno a tres días, con paisajes sorprendentes, material en buen estado, guías con experiencias y con medidas de seguridad garantizadas.


Si se quieren iniciar al buceo (open water) o perfeccionarse (Advanced o dive master), le sugerimos la isla de Utila, uno de los lugares mas baratos en el mundo para saciar su pasion.


Uno de los lugares especialmente reputado para la pesca del pez espada es la costa pacifica de Guatemala con algunos hoteles paradisíacos donde podrán combinar con armonía deporte y relajación.


Para todas edades y niveles, desde bajadas con " adrenalina" hasta tours por los valles con vistas estupendas, nos adaptamos a su demanda. Todas las bicicletasestán en buen estados y equipadas de shocks delanteros. Tours de 2 horas hasta 10 días.


El lago de Atitlan se presta maravillosamente para este ejercicio. Podemos variar las dificultades a su nivel. De Panajchel a Santa Cruz, de Santa Cruz a San Marcos. Nos encargamos también de transportar su equipaje.La región de Tikal es más apropiada para caminatas de varios días.


Desde un recorrido de 3 horas en las colinas alrededor de Antigua o una excursión de 10 días en la montaña de los Cuchumatanes. Tenemos un rango de opciones para complacerlos.

Te atreves a esta aventura visita Sin Fronteras Guatemala

lunes, 5 de abril de 2010

Tham Khai Meng/ Ogilvy & Mather

I am the Worldwide Creative Director and Chairman, Worldwide Creative Council, and I have been with Ogilvy since 1999.

Without talent, we won't have the great stuff. Nobody is without a talent. The reason we are surrounded by mediocrity is because most of us have not discovered our talent. That's why the world is out of sync. With talent in the right places, the world would be a paradise.

My career highlight at Ogilvy? I'm still working on it.

My favorite David Ogilvy quote is: "In most agencies, account executives outnumber the copywriters two to one. If you were a dairy farmer, would you employ twice as many milkmaids as you had cows?"

Miles Young/ Ogilvy & Mather

I am the Global CEO of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, and I have been with Ogilvy since 1982.

Our global headquarters is in New York, and I'm glad to say it couldn't feel less like an HQ! We are unique in that we don't belong to any one region or discipline. We are a small, inter-disciplinary group that in normal times would travel a lot. I share an office with my creative partner, Tham Khai Meng, which is both very useful and great fun.

We are not primarily in the communications business. Ogilvy is in the talent business. Finding talent, encouraging talent, developing talent – that's my first role before I start to do anything else. It's something I love, all the more so because talented creative people have their own very special needs.

My favorite career highlight at Ogilvy was winning the Guinness business when I was at Ogilvy London. I was so new to the agency, and it was such an iconic piece of business, that it hardly seemed possible it could happen. Serendipitously, David had been in the building a few days before and wished us luck, so I felt the Ogilvy karma at work for the first time.

My favorite David Ogilvy quote is: "We have a habit of divine discontent with our performance. It is an antidote to smugness."

More info: La Agencia Mas Efectiva

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

La publicidad hoy dia es la mas inovadora a nivel mundial. Vemos en todas partes los diferentes diseños de la publicidad efectiva.

Le llamamos publicidad efectiva a todo aquello que logra que el consumidor acepte el producto y lo consuma. Una campaña efecitva se inicia con un buen estudio de mercado, una buena inversion y un buen lugar para que el anuncio sea publicado.

Quieres saber mas tips publicitarios? Entra a La Agencia Mas Efectiva

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010


Ya lo sabemos, cuando las vemos a cualquier artista famoso, corremos a la tienda a comprar el producto, solo para parecernos en algo a las celebridades... muchas veces lo logramos, cada una dentro de sus posibilidades, pero muchas veces no, no importa.... la cuestion es sentirnos bien... comprando, por esta razon los grandes publicistas solicitan a Grandes actrices y personajes destacados para sus campañas efectivas.

Cada campaña publicitaria efectiva de este tipo lleva un largo proceso de segmentos de mercado ya que se tiene que hacer que las personas tomen interes en el producto y ... una mejor forma de vender el producto es utilizar "ganchos" como los famosos.

La agencia mas Efectiva de Guatemala

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010


La agencia mas efectiva de Guatemala te trae algunos consejos de cómo podemos elaborar un plan de medios efectivo:

Hoy en día podemos tener presencia en gran variedad de canales que influyen de alguna u otra forma en los consumidores. Aquí existe una ventaja inmensa pero también el riesgo de extraviarse y no llegar nunca al objetivo, pues aunque actualmente la mayoría de las personas están expuestas a prácticamente todos los medios interactivos, digitales y tradicionales, no lo están en la misma medida, ni al mismo tiempo, ni de la misma forma. Por ello, y tan sólo para comenzar, es necesario tener en cuenta cinco importantes factores al planear una campaña: perfil, contexto, estacionalidad, negociación y medición.

Perfil. ¿Quiénes son nuestros clientes? Parece una obviedad, pero crear un buen perfil de nuestros clientes tiene sus detalles. Erróneamente, los medios masivos nos acostumbraron a pensar en nuestros clientes como personas unidimensionales. Las amas de casa prefieren las telenovelas y los padres de familia el futbol, por eso es que con las primeras se anuncian utensilios de cocina y con lo segundo herramientas. En realidad las cosas nunca han sido tan simples y por varias décadas la publicidad se perdió la oportunidad de conquistar a los papás chefs. Claro que las investigaciones minuciosas de mercadotecnia no siempre han sido accesibles, pero ahora que se tienen herramientas como el behavioral targeting y cuando los propios consumidores quieren decir a las marcas lo que esperan de ellas, no hay pretexto para quedarse con perfiles vagos. Invertir en investigación y segmentar lo más posible los perfiles de nuestros clientes potenciales son dos elementos básicos a considerar cuando se desarrolla un plan de medios.

Contexto. ¿Y dónde están? La respuesta derivará en parte de la investigación y en parte de la capacidad de proyectar nuevas ideas. Nuestro primer impulso podría ser pensar que los mejores compradores de videojuegos están en los sitios para jugar en línea y a estos espacios dedicamos los mayores esfuerzos. ¿Pero qué tal si los compradores ideales, los que realmente invierten buenas sumas de dinero en videojuegos al mes, no son los que pasan su día en páginas de videojuegos, sino profesionistas, ejecutivos o estudiantes que leen noticias en línea, buscan información sobre viajes o navegan desde sus celulares? El contexto tampoco se puede obviar ni generalizar. Es preciso considerar todos los canales y medios donde puedan encontrarse nuestros consumidores, sin importar lo poco que tengan que ver con el producto, e invertir dinero y esfuerzo en relación directa con su influencia en los usuarios.

Medición. ¿Cómo evaluar una campaña? Al momento de trazar un plan de medios se debe pensar en las herramientas con las que se cuenta para medir resultados. Conviene tener más de un parámetro de medición; por ejemplo, considerar clicks, ROI y comportamiento de los usuarios en el sitio. Desarrollar un plan de medios es una tarea mucho más compleja hoy de lo que fue hace dos décadas, pero también puede brindar resultados mucho más satisfactorios si se lleva a cabo con eficiencia y creatividad.

Quieres enterarte mas sobre el mundo publicitario? Visita

viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

Explorando Nuevos Callejones en la Publicidad

La industria publicitaria es otra que se resiente en el 2009, como efecto de la crisis internacional, pero el fenomeno tambien da pie a la oportunidad. El guatemalteco Mauricio Wurmser, de Ogilvy, explica por que.

sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

Feliz Año 2,010

Un excelente inicio de año, que todos los deseos y propósitos se cumplan con la ayuda del trabajo y constancia diarios...!!!